In Memoriam – James S. Soileau, M.D.
James S. Soileau, M.D.
Mentor, role model, and friend.
He was a pioneer in the treatment of vestibular disorders
James S. Soileau, M.D. graduated from Louisiana State University Medical School in 1963. After two years of research regarding inner ear function, he completed his residency at Louisiana State University, where he also performed two years of research on vestibular testing (ENG) in the Master’s degree program. He also completed a fellowship at the EAR Foundation in Nashville, Tennessee with Dr. Michael Glasscock after a stint as a medical officer in the Vietnam War. Dr. Soileau supervised the Vestibular Lab at LSU Medical School and was a lecturer for graduate students on vestibular physiology from 1970-1975.
He has been in private practice since then and has been involved in the development of vestibular testing equipment throughout his entire career. In addition to the development of multiple medical instruments (including helping set the standard for caloric irrigation systems), he has assisted many of the industry leaders in the beta testing of vestibular testing devices. Since then, he has lectured at many national meetings on vestibular testing and evaluation. His practice is strictly limited to the evaluation and medical treatment of vertigo and dizziness.
He is Board Certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and a member of American Neurotology Society, Association of American Physicians & Surgeons, and American Board of Otolaryngology.
The American Neurotology Society (ANS) is dedicated to providing continuing medical education (CME) to our members to improve the quality of public healthcare. The mission of the ANS is to provide CME activities that will increase information availability and enhance the clinical capability of the participants.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS – is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country.
Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine.
The first formal proposal for a standardized, prescribed post-graduate period of medical education was made at the 1912 meeting of the Triological Society and published in the Laryngoscope in 1913. The American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology (the two academies formally separated in the late 1977) embraced this initiative by establishing two committees to explore this concept and develop a plan. The otolaryngology committee consisted of representatives from the Academy, the American Laryngological Association, the American Otological Society, the AMA Section on Otolaryngology, and the Triological Society. The committee established, not without controversy, a recommended curriculum of training that should last three years, if possible. The ABOto accredited otolaryngology residencies until 1953 when the Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education assumed this responsibility.
Under pressure from the Academy, the ABOto was constituted in 1924 to develop a certifying examination, the first of which was administered in 1926. The certifying examination has evolved over the years from its original oral examination and a written histopathology examination. For several years, actual patients with otolaryngological conditions were used in various sites around the country in the ͞practical exam. The current format of a multiple choice written and a structured oral examination was established in the 1970s but has been significantly refined over the past thirty years.
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1401 Ochsner Blvd.
Suite A
Covington, LA 70433
Phone: 985-809-1111
Fax: 985-809-1119